Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Half a bucket of love.....

For thirty two years Maria Burgess lived with her husband Thomas Burgess a very rich man. Maria met Thomas thirty five years ago in a hotel where she worked in as a housekeeper. She was only twenty by then and in love with Alfred Jerkins Jr. Unlike Thomas, Alfred did not have a lot of wealth none the less Maria loved Alfred.On the 3rd of November 1845 Alfred got a job in the city and left he never wrote or came back again.Two years later Maria married Thomas.
It was on the eve of the Christmas of  1878 that Maria received news that Thomas had died.Her heart sank she was in pain she wished she had loved Thomas more. A year after Thomas's death while Maria was mourning, Alfred came back from the city. The love of her life had come back to life. All along she knew she had not given Thomas her whole heart, she lied to have loved him in the past thirty years.
A month later Alfred proposed to Maria who in turn was to reply through written later as per custom if one was a widow. After thirty two years in the city Alfred had managed to transform himself to a powerful man very wealth and respected, by no means he knew he still possessed a special place in Maria's heart.
After weeks of consideration and thought Maria replied to the marriage proposal.

My Dearest Alfred

With great joy and happiness i was glad to see you once again after thirty two years. You made me feel young again. You took me back into my first love, my first joy and of course my first kiss. I was sitting alone last night and i began to think of the passion we had when we were young. I remember very well the first night i slept outside my home , how early the following morning you carried me into my bedroom window. Later on today i met William you remember him?The old man that caught us making love for the first time in his corn field, yeah he is still alive. I would agree as a widow though not proud of it you the only man whom i fully gave my heart to.I never fully gave my husband Thomas my whole heart because often i hope that you would come back. I gave Thomas half a bucket of love which he took grateful with both hands and turned that into a field of happiness in my life while you took the whole bucket and disappeared. Yes we might have had our share of happiness when we were young but that was then. Now am a grown up woman i have tested love i have not loved and i have seen what love is. Go to the city again,come back after thirty two years maybe i will say yes to your proposal, for now i have given the last half bucket of love to my husband Thomas

Your friend Maria

love letters from Romeo.

written by Hawulethu Patrice Dube
a saxjaz7 production
all rights reserved

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