A late call made me to rush to johannesburg central for some business.I managed to finish my business before the streets were cleared. Passing by one of the internet cafe's', i found a security officer (matshingelana) glued on one of the flat screens in the cafe.He loked sad, a little perplexed,but better described as astonished or i can simplify it and say he was just flabagasted.At first i thought he was peeping on some porn but when i saw some blue i knew it was facebook.I politelty asked "X GIRLFRIEND".He nodded his head in agreement, no word coming off his mouth.She looked exucutive.All her pictures were sending a message . I am not quite sure to whom,but it seemed the message was working.On one of the pictures she was standing with a "a re-edition of Usher Raymond mixed with some musculinar John Cena and a smile on face saying you can see mee..lol..".Well looking at my fellow brother, i just strecthed forth my hands and prayed for him.The Lord giveth the Lord taketh.
It all began on facebook.I sent a her a friend request.She accepted.I liked her status.She like mine too.I went on and comment and she replied *wink wink*.The rest we settled through inboxes.A couple of weeks later she change her relationship status to in a relationship. We upgraded from facebook to Macdonalds.We talked laughed and ofcourse you know *wink wink*.The lord giveth the lord taketh.We started fighting.She didn't inbox,like or comment on my status.She went on to change her status to being in an open relationship,then complicated and disaster SINGLE. It all began on facebook it had to end on facebook.
Everytime i was on facebook i would find myself typing her name and peeping on her pictures, status and where she commenting frequenlty.
The worst happened when she became friends with this boy (names not to be mentioned incase i be sued for defirmation of character or invasion of privacy worse of sexual harassemnet,its woman's month by the way).I am part of the thousand of soldiers fighting the love war on facebook.We dont upload pictures because of networking we upload them because they are grenades.A female friend is a bazooka while a picture of myself and her is an atomic bomb.To all the soldiers fight the good fight and lay hold of twitter in the future.
The above story is an email i recieved from a friend lolest..you thot it was me,,,*kikikikikiki* .While some are fighting wars on facebook i received this email.
hie Hawu..
i read your profile and i like it .How about we meet *sexy* mwaaaaaaaah
written by Hawulethu Dube
a saxjaz7 production
all rights reserve.
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