Monday, 11 July 2011

then came along the writer....the journey begins

Once upon a village lived a poor man who had little, but lived the most of his life. A thousand lives away, was a widow who married the wrong man now she mourns his death. In a big city full of lust, sin and death i found a preacherman. I took a walk in the bush , i saw a dead lion, i thought i would find honey like Samson instead i found a rat sitting on the throne singing "whose the king of the jungle now ?". A living dog is better than a dead lion.

Welcome to readers and writers blog.

Everyone can write but it takes a writer to write something that people would love to read. There is no writing without a reader and there is no reading without a writer. From the greatest writers of all time he spoke ,then he wrote the best selling book the bible, much love to God amen. Writing is a gift, a tool that God gave to man so that man can always stay in contact with the past,present and future. It is a tool we use to create our own world, people, relationships and invention . it is the translation of the spoken word into the seen  word. it is a good thing to do and i love to write.

Thank you for following this blog, we shall write and read together.


We read so that we can be informed, educated,entertained and inspired. We read so that we can flex our brains into tools that are sharp in capturing, analysing and realizing data.


I draw inspiration from  life. I am inspired by a leaf that falls from a tree, a begger that has begged  whole of his life and has never had enough, a preacherman that preaches every sunday and politicians who seem to gain weight when they are voted into power.I draw life from a river when it is quite, the sun when it sets and boy trying to fall in love with a girl. When all has been found i sit and write. Rather than just entertaining i want my stories to inspire and change your life.


It wont be long but exciting. The writers and readers blog is a platform for aspiring writers and readers to sharpen their God given gift and make it work for them. A gift is not a fully a gift unless it brings bread on the table, so why neglect it ? Its also a  blog for people that love to read why not join me in my journey of love.


Our post willl comprise of poetry, short stories, articles on life, opinion and analysis, picture documentary, plays, qoutes, movie scripts and weekly reviews. Will be posting everyday stay connected.

Thank you for following the writers and readers blog we sure will have a fruitful journey

Your pen and paper


a saxjaz7 production.
all right reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, sounds interesting and different... il read on..
