Thursday, 1 December 2011

2011 Facebook awards..

The year has come and its gone but facebook still remains *emotional* but lol @ the same time. We lost good freinds like Gaddafi,Mubbarak and Julias #hiding# yet we still have a lot of likes. Well,what happens on facebook its either you like it,comment or just scroll down.

In the history of mankind they is no invention that has brought mankind together regardless of colour,# no wonder Zuckerberg is colour blind#,gender,tribe or race, like facebook. Facebook is not a religion but its a social network a platform for people to make freinds, money, love, preach a sermon, be fools, get followers and be followed. Its in how you see or use facebook that will either get you rich or fired. A standing ovation to the social network, it has allowed us to reconnet with long lost freinds, family and even enemies. In the process; it has never been so easy to fall in love, be engaged, propose, get into a complicated situation or even be seperated. It is all just a click away. You dont judge a book by its cover, you judge it by its face.

After all the adventure, likes and comments and making freinds a community is built. Just like every community they will always be different people . Look at what i have called the Facebookers;


They would use the sillest update to get attention from people eg "oh Nelson Mandela is now old..tata eish thank you" so what we all no


They always peep ladies pictures,like every update and they always upload the best of their Josh just uploaded 45 pictures of himself album name " me, myself and the man (me)" or Susan's status " toothache josh likes this or he comments "me too".


Just had a breakup will not delete or block X ..but uploads new pics of self with coolest dudes, then writes on their wall "tnx bby had an owesome nite #realman#"


Have more freinds on facebook than real life and often write about life eg " what is life or thot i could tac a walk"


They joined facebook never wrote anything most probably they dont have a profile pic if they do its the windows XP picture you get from the picture folder. You go to their wall the only thing you find is "James has joined facebook 3 December 2009".


They dont know what network is or maybe they have got their own beleif its a free country .They dont like or comment most of the times they usual post " its funny how pipo turn out to b on facebook God have mercy'


All of us are freaks.

It has all been on facebook critisism, cynicism,optimism and all the ism but for me the status update of the year goes to..

a boy's dad joins facebook the boy amazed writes on his wall my dad jus joined facebook WTF. The father curios about all ask the boy "son what does WTF means" the boy inocently writes welcome to facebook DAD.

A good year indeed ,just like or comment *wink wink*

written by Hawulethu Dube
a saxjaz7 production
all rights reserved